Frequently Asked Question

What Processor Does the Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620) Have?

In this post, we will list all processors that are compatible with the 2021 Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620).

Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620) Image

Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620) Processor


What processors that compatible with Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620)?


The 2021 Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620) uses the Intel® B560 Chipset motherboard which supports the following processors:

  1. 11th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-11400F
    6 cores, 12 threads, 2.60 → 4.40 GHz, 12MB SmartCache, 65W
  2. 11th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-11700F
    8 cores, 16 threads, 2.50 → 4.90 GHz, 16MB SmartCache, 65W

Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620) FAQs

Here are some related questions you might want to know about the Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620):

  1. What Processor Does the Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620) Have?
  2. Can You Install Graphics Card in Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620)?
  3. What Ports Are on Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620)?
  4. What is the Weight and Size of Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620)?
  5. Can You Add More RAM to Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620)?

Popular Comparisons for Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620)

Here are the most frequently requested comparisons for Acer Nitro 50 (N50-620):

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